Monday, February 24, 2014

Weightlifting Meet: February 22, 2014

This past Saturday my boyfriend had his first weightlifting meet! We were in powerlifting in high school so, going to this meet what I expected to be was something totally different. The lifters had only two lifts which were the snatch and the clean and jerk. The most awkward thing of all was that everyone went one at a time in front of the crowd to do their lift. So it was like going out on stage during a talent show or something, super nerve recking.
Nelson and a few of our friends from Body Armor Crossfit participated in this event at 210 Crossfit in San Antonio, TX. Everyone did amazing and one of friends, Reme, won third place! We even got to see Aja Barto lift! If you don't know who Aja Barto is he has gone to the Crossfit Games I believe three times already (don't quote me on that one) and he was in the top three last year for the Crossfit Regionals South Central Region. I had a mini star struck moment lol.
I am so proud of my honey! He did amazing for his first competition and ended the day totaling 240 kilos. I can't wait to see his progression and go to more meets to cheer him on!

 Reme winning 3rd!

  My Honey doing his thing;)

 Using the force!
 Aja Barto

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